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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2013-05-11 tits: 9682 times

recently, the maryland general assembly has passed house bill (hb) 99, which will be effective when signed by the governor of maryland.

the legislation stipulates that a person shall not import, sell, or offer for sale any child care products which contain more than 1% by mass of tcep for use by a child under 3 years old, including baby products, toys, car seats, crib mattresses, nursing pillows and strollers.

the legislation would become effective on 1 october 2013 and specifies that any regulations required to facilitate implementation be adopted by 1 january 2014.

us other states have also introduced bills to limit/ban the use of some flame retardants, such as washington has hb 1294/sb 5181 and new yorkhave passed ab 4741.

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