public hygiene

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in recent years, with the development of social economy, the improvement ofpeople's living standard as well as the amount and type of public places has increased dramatically. the new situation puts forward new requirements on public hygiene supervision work. in order to tie in with the competent administrative department of public hygiene and strengthen the management of public hygiene supervision institutions and also to help managers improve their own management system in public places and work, ctt environment department has a public hygienein spection and evaluation qualification, which provides an objective, fair and efficient one-stop service for customers.

pre-evaluation of public hygiene in construction projects

preparation of the report (includingoutline),the preparation of the  report form, evaluation report(includingoutline), evaluation report form

construction projectpublic places completion  acceptance hygiene evaluation

pre-evaluate the hygiene of central  air-condition ingventilation system

inspection and acceptance of hygienic completion  inpublic places

temperature,humidity, wnd speed, fresh air volume, noise,  illumination, tvoc, co, co2, pm10, formaldehyde, ammonia, ozone,  benzene, toluene, xylene,total bacteria,etc.

centralized air-conditioner ventilationsystem health test

total bacteria,total fungi, β-hemolyticstreptococcus, pm10(air  inlet

total bacteria,total fungi,dust,pathogen(the  inner surface of the duct )

freshair volume(fresh air system)

eosinophiliclung legionella (condensate  water, cooling water, humidifying equipment water)

to renew and verify the examination of hygienicpermits in  public places

temperature, humidity, windspeed, fresh air volume, illumination,  noise, tvoc, co, co2, pm10, formaldehyde, ammonia, ozone, benzene,  toluene, xylene, totaldust, total bacteria, total bacteria(airsupply/ dust),total fungi(air supply/dust),hemolyticstreptococcus (air supply/ dust), eosinophilic  lunglegionella(air supply,  condensate water,coolingwater)

swimming pool water

water temperature, ph, urea, turbidity, dissociation chlorine,  totalbacteria, coliforms

winterroom temperature, relative temperature, wind speed, co2,  total bacteria

secondary water supply testing

chroma,turbidity, smell and taste, visiblematter, dissociation  chlorine, ph, totalcoliforms, total bacteria, ammonia nitrogen,  nitritenitrogen, oxygen consumption, total hardness, nitrate, chloride,  volatile phenols, hexavalentchromium, iron, manganese,  lead, nickel, arsenic, etc.

public supplies testing

total bacteria, coliforms, mold, yeast, staphylococcus aureus, etc.

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