apparel & textile

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as important consumer products, apparel & textiles will contact with consumers for a long time, and consumers will pay special attention to the quality and safety of apparel & textiles. with the increasing frequency of quality supervision and increasingly strict ecological and environmental protection policies in various countries, apparel & textiles enterprise are in urgent need of more comprehensive and professional quality control to create more competitive products to adapt to the new environment of consumption and regulation upgrading.

ctt has not only obtained the accreditation qualification of relevant national and international agencies, but also won the recognition of many well-known brands and retailers in the world. we will provide technical consultation, training and seminars, so that we can share with you in time with the latest regulatory dynamics, product recalls, standard update, apparel &textile industry cutting-edge technology. let you easily meet the requirements of international buyers.

the test items we provide include: fiber componentlabel, care label, fiber component analysis, dimensional stability, colorfastness, physical performance test, restrictedsubstance test, safety performance test, etc.

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