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usa regulations

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the regulations of textile and clothing in american mainly be consisted of the labeling, flammability and hazardous substances act, such as 16 cfr 303 textile labeling act, 16 cfr 300 wool product labeling act, 16 cfr 1610 textile and clothing flammability, 16 cfr 1615&1616 children's sleepwear flammability and cpsia,the detail information as bellow:



16 cfr 303 textile labeling act 16 cfr 300 wool product labeling  act

label on product shall provide all required  information in the proper format as applicable under the textile fiber  products labeling act or the wool products labeling act, including but not limited to: name of manufacturer or other registration number (rn# or wpl#).

country of origin.

generic name and percentage of all fibers  in product.


16 cfr 1610 textile and clothing flammability

plain surface textile fabric

class 1:burn time is 3.5 seconds or more acceptable

class 2: is not applicable to plain surface textile fabrics

class 3: burn time is less than 3.5 seconds. not acceptable.

raised surface textile fabric

class 1:(1)burn time is greater than 7.0 seconds; or (2) burn  time is 0–7 seconds with no base burns.

exhibits rapid surface flash only.  acceptable

class 2: burn time is 4–7 seconds (inclusive) with base burn . acceptable

class 3: burn time is less than 4.0 seconds with base burn.not acceptable.

16 cfr 1615&1616 children’s sleepwear flammability

the average char length of sample does notexceed 17.8 cm (7 in) and no individual  specimen has a char length of 25.4 cm (10 in)


1.all accessiblepaint and other similar surface coating materials (determined both  beforeand after use and abuse testing) shall comply with the lead content provisions of16 cfr 1303. max. 0.009% (90 ppm) total lead content byweight.  all accessible substrates must not contain more than thespecified amounts of total lead as 100 ppm.

2.children's toys and childcare articles, before and afteruse and abuse testing, shall not contain concentrations of more than 0.1% bbp,dbp, dehp, dinp, dibp, dpenp, dhexp or dchp individually.


physical testing items



dimensional  stability and appearance






strength tests


structure analysis


performance tests


fiber composition analysis

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