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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2015-04-24 tits: 6713 times
canada intends to amend the prohibition of certain toxic substances regulations, 2012 (sor/2012-285) to add 5 toxic substances, and launched public consultation in april 2015. the five toxic substances are: hbcdd, pfoa, lc-pfcas, pbdes, and pfos. the proposed amendments would come into force three months after they are registered. below for the revised content and about the five substances.
modified content
current uses
hbcd would be added to section 7.1, prohibiting the manu­facture, use, sale, and offer for sale or import of the substance hbcd.
eps and xps foams that contain hbcd and are used for building or construction applications would be prohibited after decem­ber 31, 2016.
mostly used as flame retardants in insulation materials in the construction industry
perfluorooctanoic acid, its salts, and its precursors (collectively referred to as )
pfoa and lc-pfcas schedule 2, prohibit­ing the manufacture, use, sale, offer for sale, or import of pfoa and lc-pfcas and products containing these substances, unless they are present in manufactured items.
a temporary exemption period would allow the water-based inks and photo media coatings containing these substances until december 31, 2016. it would also allow the ongoing use of aqueous film-forming foams.
primarily used as water, oil and grease repellants; as surfactants; and as spreading and wetting agents.
long-chain perfluorocarboxylic acids, their salts, and their precursors
(collectively referred to as)

polybrominated diphenyl ethers

pbdes would be added to to schedule 1, and maintain similar regulatory requirements as specified under the pbdes regulations. in addition, it would prohibit the manufacture use, sale, offer for sale, or import of decabde.
as a flame retardant mostly in consumer products such as electrical and electronic goods, textile and construction products.
perfluorooctane sulfonate ()
pfos would be added to schedule 2 and maintain similar regulatory requirements, as specified under the pfos regulations.
primarily used as a surfactant in fume suppressants and aqueous film-forming foam
the prohibition of certain toxic substances regulations, 2012 was enacted by the canadian government on december 14, 2012, and came into force on march 15, 2013. the regulation aims to protect the canadian environment and canadians by banning the manufacture, use, sale, offer for sale, or import of 22 toxic substances and products containing these toxic substances.
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