the senate bill has been proposed in california to require the manufacturer of juvenile products sold in california to indicate whether or not the product contains added flame retardant chemicals. the bill would require:
1. manufacture of juvenile products sold in california shall include the following statement on the label described in section 1126 of title 4 of the california code of regulations to indicate whether the product contains added flame retardant chemicals or not:
“this product meets california's furniture fire safety standard and:
——contains added flame retardant chemicals
——contains no added flame retardant chemicals
the state of california has determined that no flammability standard is needed for this product. the state has identified many flame retardant chemicals as being known to, or strongly suspected of, adversely impacting human health or development.”
2. a manufacturer of above mentioned products shall indicate the absence or presence of added flame retardant chemicals by placing an “x” in one of the appropriate blanks.
3. for sales in california over the internet and paper catalog sales to california, the bill would require the retailer of juvenile products in california to display the point-of-sale sign in a specified manner.
4. manufacturer shall retain documentation to show whether flame retardant chemicals were added. a written statement or test report by the supplier of each component covered by technical bulletin 117-2013 attesting either that flame retardant chemicals were added or not added shall be sufficient documentation.
5. manufacturer shall provide to the bureau of electronic and appliance repair, home furnishings and thermal insulation (bearhfti), within 30 days upon request, documentation establishing the accuracy of the flame retardant chemical statement on the label.
the penalty for violation of the requirements is also listed in the bill.
juvenile product: includes, but is not limited to, a bassinet, booster seat, car seat, changing pad, floor play mat, highchair, highchair pad, infant bouncer, infant carrier, infant seat, infant swing, infant walker, nursing pad, nursing pillow, playpen side pad, play yard, portable hook-on chair, stroller, children’s nap mat, baby carrier that is worn by an adult, foam crib mattress, and children’s upholstered furniture
added flame retardant chemicals: flame retardant chemicals that are present in any juvenile product or component thereof at levels above 500 parts per million.
flame retardant chemical: any chemical or chemical compound for which a functional use is to resist or inhibit the spread of fire. flame retardant chemicals include, but are not limited to, halogenated, phosphorous-based, nitrogen-based, and nanoscale flame retardants, flame retardant chemicals listed as “designated chemicals” pursuant to section 105440 of the health and safety code, and any chemical or chemical compound for which “flame retardant” appears on the substance safety data sheet (sds) pursuant to section 1910.1200(g) of title 29 of the code of federal regulations.