the swedish chemicals agency (kemi) has had analyzed eleven different types of diapers to see if they contain any prohibited organotin compounds as a result of which shows that none of the analyzed diapers contained any of the prohibited substances. this is a positive result showing that the restrictions appear to be followed and that children are not exposed to organotin by the use of diapers.
the organotin compounds have been used as catalysts in the process for the production of certain forms of silicone used in diapers. they have also been used in the production of stabilisers which, in turn, are used in the manufacture of the diaper plastics material.
the organotin compounds tributyltin (tbt), dibutyltin (dbt) and dioctyltin (dot) shall, under reach annex xvii, not be used in products that are sold to or used by the public if their concentration in the article or part of the article exceeds the equivalent to 0.1 percent by weight of tin.