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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2012-04-10 tits: 8963 times

a report from the japan dyestuff and industrial chemicals association (jdica) revealed that some organic pigments contained a trace of polychlorinated biphenyl (pcb) unintentionally generated in their manufacturing process. in response to the report, the ministry of economy, trade and industry (meti) decided to immediately carry out an investigation into the actual situation and, as an urgent measure for the time being, instruct entrepreneurs to stop manufacture, import or shipment of organic pigments found to contain pcb over the international standard.

according to voluntary investigations by members of jdica, they found cases where pcb was unintentionally generated as a byproduct for 57 items in total out of 98 organic pigments in total reported by six major companies.

meti will promptly make a request to 41 entrepreneurs known to be manufacturing or importing the same type of organic pigments as those comprising pcb according to the report by jdica to investigate organic pigments containing pcb, as well as the same requirement to all entrepreneurs that have notified manufacture and import quantity of chemical substances in accordance with the chemical substances evaluation act.

if it is found that, as the result of analysis, certain organic pigments contain pcb exceeding the concentration of 0.005% (50 ppm), meti will take the following measures (administrative guidance).
1. meti will request the manufacturers and importers to stop manufacture, import and shipment unless concentration reduction measures to continuously keep the concentration not more than 50 ppm is confirmed by the administrative authority;
2. meti will request the concerned manufacturers and importers to collect the organic pigments in question and keep them appropriately until their disposal.
3. meti will request the customers identified by the report from the manufacturers or importers to stop using the organic pigment and to cooperate in collection by the manufacturers and importers.

in cooperation with the ministry of health, labour and welfare and the ministry of the environment, meti will hear opinions from experts to study the upper limit of pcb as a byproduct in organic pigments and the necessity of additional measures to cope with this problem on the basis of the actual situation survey, risk to human health etc. caused by pcb, organic pigment synthesis technology, overseas trends of regulations and so on in the future.

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