ecuador recently joined the likes of canada, the european union and several u.s. states in banning thecommercialisation of baby bottles classified under htsec 3924.10.10.00containing bisphenol a.
bpa is an industrial chemical that someexperts believe may be hazardous to humans in general and children inparticular. it has been used in the production of epoxy resins andpolycarbonate plastics since the 1960s and is the main ingredient in hardpolycarbonate plastics.
public concerns about bpa have intensifiedin recent years, which has compelled most major manufacturers of baby bottlesand other children’s products to voluntarily remove that chemical from theirproducts and prompted several u.s. states to restrict the sale of bpa containing goods.
the bpa bans enacted to date at the u.s.state level have focused for the most part on reusable food and beveragecontainers for small children, but several states (such as connecticut,maryland and vermont) have also enacted prohibitions on baby food and infantformula stored in containers that contain bpa.
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