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additives & prohibited additives test

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misuse of food additives can have serious health effects, prohibited additives refer to non-edible substances and are not allowed to be added to food in accordance with state laws. ctt can help enterprises correctly understand food additives, correct use of food additives, and monitor illegal food additives.
ctt can provide the food additives and prohibited additives testing items(including but not limited):

food additives:

·preservatives·sweetening agent·antioxidants

·pigment others

prohibited additives:

melamine, phthalic acid esters (plasticizer), sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate (formaldehyde sodium hydrogen sulfate), benzoyl peroxide, rhodamine b, sudan red i - iv, talcum powder, borax/acid, formaldehyde, 4 - chlorobenzene oxygen alkaline orange, gibberellic acid sodium acetate, 6 - benzyl adenine, malachite green, crystal violet, orange, poppy shell material, acid basic flavine dimethyl fumarate, etc

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