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1. cpsia

the consumerproduct safety improvement act of usa (cpsia) strictly limits the lead inchildren's products. the lead content limits differed in the substrate and thecoating. in addition, the act also limits phthalates in children's toys and childcare articles.

chemical items




substrate:  100ppm;  surface coating: 90ppm


dehp/ dbp/ bbp/  dinp/ dibp/ dchp/ dpenp/ dhexp, each of  them shall not exceed  0.1%

2. astm f2923

the standard only applies to the jewelries that are intended to be worn bythe children up to 12 years old but not applies to toys jewelry.the standard not only limits kinds of heavy metal content in the product,including lead, cadmium, nickel release, soluble heavy metals, but alsohas the requirements on their mechanical and physical properties.

chemical   items




substrate: 100   ppm;surface coating: 90 ppm


300 ppm

extractable  cadmium

plastic small  parts:75 ppm; metal small  parts:200 μg

salt extractable  cadmium

18 μg

nickel release

body pierced:  0.2μg/cm2/week
 directly and prolonged contact with

the skin: 0.5μg/cm2/week

7 soluble heavy  metals (surface coating)

cd: 75 ppm, hg:  60 ppm, cr: 60 ppm, as:25 ppm se:500 ppm, sb: 60 ppm, ba: 1000 ppm



sharp point and  edge

children’s  jewelry (for children under 8 years old) must not contain any accessible  hazardous sharp points and edges.

small part

children’s  jewelry (for children under 3 years old) must not contain small part.

magnet hazard

(it is a small  part and has a flux index ≥50 kg2cm2)

(1)under 8 years  old: children’s jewelry don’t liberate a small part magnet or magnetic  component after use and abuse testing;
 (2) 8 years old and older: if it liberates a small part  magnet or  magnetic component after use and abuse testing, need provide a warning  statement.

breakaway  feature and release

after 15 pounds  tension testing, it should be breakaway and not release any physical hazard.

battery  requirement

(1) before and  after abuse testing, the small part battery should not be accessible without  any tools.

(2) for  children’s jewelry that use more than one replaceable battery in one circuit,  the instructions or the product shall be marked with the following (or equivalent)  information.

(3)children’s jewelry  with non-replaceable batteries that are accessible with the tool shall bear a   statement.

(4)battery-operated  children’s jewelry shall be designed so that it is not possible to charge any  non-rechargeable battery.

(5)the correct  battery polarity shall be marked permanently on the battery. additional  markings located on the jewelry or in the instructions must indicate the  correct battery size and voltage.

suction   tongue stud

must not contain.



should have  age labeling.

other  recommended cautionary labeling

for earring, a  warning should be labeled to notify the consumer of the risk of embedding  from continuous use, and to inspect a piercing regularly for potential  embedding of earring components.

liquid   filled- jewelry


(1) children’s  jewelry should not contain any materials listed in 16 cfr §1500.231 or  16 cfr §1500.14.

(2) permitted  liquids, such as cosmetics in children’s jewelry should  meet usp51&61&62.

(3) other permitted  liquids (except for cosmetics), such as pastes, putties, gels, and powders should  meet usp61&62.

3. astm f2999

this standard onlyapplies to adult jewelry that designed or intended primarily for use byconsumers over age 12. the specification cites some requirements undercalifornia proposition to jewelry containing lead (ca health and safety codesection 25214.1-25214.4.2 (ab1681 & ab2901& sb929 amendmentact)) andastmf2923. the requirements include lead, cadmium, soluble metals andnickel release, and certain mechanical hazards refer to hazardous magnets,batteries and suction tongue studs.

chemical   items




except exemption   materials:

(1)  electroplated  metal: 60000 ppm

(2)un-plated   metal: 15000 ppm

(3)plastic   or rubber: 200 ppm

(4)a dye or   surface coating: 600 ppm

(5)materials not  otherwise classified 600 ppm


15000 ppm

extractable  cadmium

plastic   small parts:75 ppm;
 metal small parts: 200 μg

salt extractable  cadmium

18 μg

nickel release

no limits.

7 soluble heavy  metals (surface coating)

cd: 75 ppm, hg:  60 ppm, cr: 60 ppm, as: 25  ppm,se: 500  ppm, sb: 60 ppm, ba: 1000  ppm




(it is a small  part.and has a  flux index≥50 kg2cm2)

if the magnet or  magnetic component is a small part, need provide a warning statement.


the small part  battery should not be touched without any tools.

suction   tongue stud

if the product  contains suction tongue studs, need provide a warning.


should have age labeling

liquid-filled   jewelry


should not  contain any materials listed in 16cfr 1500.14.

4. ca prop65

california proposition 65, the safe drinking water and toxic enforcementact of 1986, is the act on toxic chemicals of usa california passed in 1986.the act has requirements on lots of products, including jewelry, textiles, toysand electronic appliances, and contains many kinds of chemical substancescurrently. for jewelry, many cases existed and the main substances are lead,cadmium, phthalates, etc. in different case, the lead content limits aredifferent.

case no.



alameda superior   court,



the limits are  different in different materials (except  the exemption  items).

the limits are  different in children’s jewelry and adult’s jewelry.

alameda superior  court case no. rg 10514803

300ppm (except  the exemption items)

alameda superior  court case no. rg 16-837582


for necklaces,  whether sold individually or as part of a set with a dress or other piece of  clothing: 100ppm

san francisco   superior court case no. cgc-10-497729


(3p: dbp/bbp/dehp)

3p,each of which  shall not exceed  0.1% .

remark: it is recommended to test  6p(bbp/ dbp/ dehp/ didp/ dinp/ dnhp) according to california 65. the first 3p  are judged according to the case, and the latter 3p are determined by  customer limits. the recommended limit is ≤1000 mg/kg.

【apply to all  accessible pvc,  soft plastic, vinyl, and synthetic leather materials】

5. other

the legislations on children's jewelry in the other states of usa havepassed, such as, illinois lead poisoning prevention act (ilppa), children's safeproduct act (cspa) of washington, the cadmium content shall not exceed 75ppm inmaryland and connecticut state and soluble cadmium shall not exceed 75ppmin the illinois and minnesota.




illinois lead  poisoning  prevention act (ilppa)


an item bears a  warning statement that indicates that at least one component part of the item   contains lead when a total lead is more than 40 mg/kg. however the item  still needs to meet requirements under cpsia to lead.

children’s safe   product act (cspa)






6p  (dehp dbp bbp dinp didp dnop)≤1000ppm.

chapter   578 (hb 145, session 2011)

(us maryland)



public  act  10-113 (hb 5314) (us connecticut)



public  act  96-1379 cadmium safe kids act

(hb 5040,  session 2010) (us illinois)

soluble   cadmium


s.f  2510  art6. sec 27 (us minnesota)

soluble   cadmium


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