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international regulations(iso)

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iso8124 is the current international standard of toy safety.



standard  name



iso  8124-1

mechanical and physical properties

this standard specifies requirements and test methods for toys intended for use by  children in various age groups from birth to 14 years

iso 8124-2


this standard specifies the categories of flammable materials that are prohibited  in all toys, and requirements concerning flammability of certain toys when  they are subjected to a minor source of ignition

iso 8124-3

migration of certain elements

this standard specifies test methods and limits of the migration of 8 soluble heavy metal elements from accessible materials used in toys

swings,  slides and similar activity toys for indoor and outdoor family domestic use

this standard specifies requirements and test methods for activity toys for domestic family use intended for children under 14 years

iso 8124-5

determination of total concentration

of certain elements in toys

this standard specifies methods of sampling and digestion prior to analysis of the total concentration of the elements antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, and selenium from toy materials and from parts of toys

iso 8124-6

certain phthalate esters in toys and children’s  products

this standard specifies a method for the determination of dbp, bbp, dehp, dnop, dinp, and  dibp in toys and children’s products

iso 8124-7

requirements and test  methods for finger paints

this standard specifies requirements for the substances and materials used in finger paints

iso/tr 8124-8

age determination guidelines

this standard provides guidelines for the determination of the lowest age at which children  start playing with toys in specific toy sub-categories

iec 62115

electric toys - safety

this standard  specifies electrical safety requirements for toys, such as marking and  instructions, power input, heating and abnormal operation, electric strength  at operating temperature, moisture resistance, electric strength at room  temperature, mechanical strength, construction, protection of cords and  wires, components, screws and connections, clearances and creepage distances,  resistance to heat and fire, radiation, toxicity and similar hazards, etc.

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