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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2017-06-21 tits: 5541 times

on june 16, 2017, the european chemical authority (echa) has announced that it will include perfluorohexane-1-sulphonic acid and its salts (pfhxs) in the svhc candidate list by the end of june 2017. at the same time, echa will update the current entry for bpa due to its endocrine disrupting properties, although bpa is already listed in the candidate list due to its toxic for reproduction properties. by then, the substances on svhc candidate list will reach to 174.


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(bisphenol a, bpa)



bpa is applied  to the production of polycarbonate,  epoxy and its chemical, also used as the curing agent in epoxy resins.

perfluorohexane-1-sulphonic acid and  its salts (pfhxs)



pfhxs has some specific properties such as water repellency, oil  repellency, resistance to heat and film formation. it is widely used in  electronics, textiles, paper and packaging, household goods, health care  products, metal coating, construction products and pesticides, etc., furthermore,  it can be used as an alternative to pfos.

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