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consumer testing technology-97622国际至尊品牌

from: 中鼎检测 date: 2017-01-01 tits: 4733 times

activity name:the 43rd hong kong toy fair

activity time: january 9-12, 2017
venue: hong kong convention and exhibition center, 1 expo drive, wanchai, hong kong (ctt booth no.: 3d-d40)

the 43rd hong kong toy fair will be held at the hong kong convention and exhibition center from 9 to 12 january of 2017. hong kong toy fair is asia's largest, the world's second largest toy industry exhibition.
ctt will take this chance to have a comprehensive display for its professional testing capabilities, especially for toys and children's products , but also to provide professional advisory services to  exhibitors and visitors. we are here to invite you to visit our booth!

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