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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2015-06-30 tits: 5914 times

the american apparel and footwear association released the 16th edition of the restricted substance list (rsl) on june 15th, 2015. the 16th edition of the rsl covers 12 chemical categories with over 250 chemicals and is updated to reflect additions or changes to regulations and laws that restrict or ban certain chemicals in apparel, footwear, and finished home textile products. aafa's environmental taskforce and peer review teams review and update the rsl every six months.

summary of the main change from rsl 15 to rsl 16:

updating information
gb 30585-2014
fluorinated greenhouse gases
added regulation (eu) no 517/2014;
removed (ec) no. 842/2006
metals (as/pb/cd/cr(ⅵ))
misc. (formaldehyde/ n-nitrosamines/ dimethyl fumarate/phthalates)
added gb30585-2014
removed: belgium: the minister for public health and the minister for consumer protection, ministerial decree concerning the prohibition of placing articles and products containing dimethyl fumarate on the market. belgian official journal , 12.1.2009


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