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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2015-03-21 tits: 6606 times
the en71-1:2014, en71-3:2013 a1:2014 and en71-14:2014 were proclaimed as the harmonized standards for eu toys safety directive (2009/48/ec) in the eu official journal published on 13th march. the old version standards en71-3:2013 and en71-1:2011 a3:2014 will be superseded by en71-1:2014 and en71-3:2013 a1:2014 on 29th feb 2016.
en71-1:2014 and en71-3:2013 a1:2014 are toy safety standards for mechanical and physical properties, migration of certain elements respectively. en71-14:2014 is a new issued standard for safety of trampolines for domestic use.
and title of the standard
first publication oj
reference of
superseded standard
date of cessation ofsuperseded standard
safety of toys — part 1: mechanical and physical properties
en71-1:2011 a3:2014
safety of toys — part 1: mechanical and physical properties
en71-3:2013 a1:2014
safety of toys — part 3: migration of certain elements
en 71-3:2013
safety of toys — part 3: migration of certain elements
en 71-14:2014
safety of toys — part 14: trampolines for domestic use
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