the echa committees for risk assessment (rac) starts with a public consultation on proposed decabde restriction on 17 september 2014. the consultation runs until 17 march 2015.
the restriction focuses on the manufacturing, use, placing on the market (as a substance, a constituent of other substances, or in mixtures) of decabde and articles or any parts there of containing in concentrations equal to or greater than 0.1 % by weight. decabde is used as an additive flame retardant in plastic and textile articles. these articles are used in the transport (automotive, aviation and marine), building/construction and mining sectors. uses within these sectors include interiors and upholstery (carpets, seating and plastic components), roofing, insulation, piping/ducting/hoses and cables. it is has been identified as a pbt and vpvb according to the reach regulation and included in the candidate list on 19 december 2012. decabde, are thought to result in developmental toxicity by exerting direct toxic effects on neuronal cells.
interested parties can comment on the proposed restriction report using the echa website. the restriction report provides the background information and reasons of the restriction, including specific risk, alternative substances information, the effect of this restriction in reducing risk and its costs and benefits.
the opinions of rac and seac will take into account the comments received in the public consultation. echa will reply to these comments and publish the responses, together with the comments of the committees and rapporteurs, on its website.
the final opinions of both committees are scheduled to be available by june 2015 and september 2015, respectively. echa will send these two opinions to the european commission, which will take the decision whether to include the proposed restriction in the annex xvii of the reach regulation.