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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2014-06-25 tits: 5141 times

rac and seac agreed their opinions on the swedish proposal to restrict nonylphenols /nonylphenol ethoxylates in textile articles, or textile parts of articles, that can be washed in water, if the total concentration of these substances is equal to or higher than 0.01% by weight. the suggested transitional period is five years after the entry into force of the restriction.

rac concluded that the proposed restriction, with modified scope and conditions, is the most appropriate eu-wide measure to reduce aquatic risks from nonylphenol ethoxylates and their degradation products.

seac concluded that the restriction is justified and proportionate. both committees supported the restriction of  the main components, i.e. nonylphenol ethoxylates in textile articles or textile parts of articles that can be washed in water, but did not find sufficient evidence to support a restriction of nonylphenol in the sametextile articles.

the 60-day public consultation on the seac draft opinion will be launched in june. seac plans to adopt its final opinion in september 2014.

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