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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2014-05-13 tits: 5602 times

the bill s.2120 to expand the prohibition on cpsia children's products that contain phthalates was submitted to usa congress recently. the main changes of cpsia included in this bill are:

1. scope of prohibition on phthalates in cpsia sec 108 is expanded from "children's toy or child care article" to "children's product" in this bill;

2. interim prohibition to dinp, didp and dnop becomes permanent. comparisons between cpsia after change and before please refer to the following table.

statuescopelimits on phthalates
cpsiachildren's toy or child care articledehp,dbp and bbp each≤1000mg/kg
children's toy that can be placed in a childs mouth or child care articledinp, didp and dnop each≤1000mg/kg
cpsia amended by s.2120children's productdehp,dbp,bbp, dinp, didp and dnop each 1000mg/kg

latest action to s.2120 is read twice and referred to the committee on commerce, science, and transportation.

for more dynamic statues to s.2120 please keep an eye on the website information:

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