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consumer testing technology-97622国际至尊品牌

from: 中鼎检测 date: 2014-04-25 tits: 8115 times

consumer testing technology ltd. co testing center (ctt testing center) was formally put into operation recently. with the expansion of company strategy and growth of service ability, ctt's original laboratory could not meet the needs of company development. the area of this new test center is about 13,000 square meters. relying on excellent technology, ctt testing center was built up in songshanhu high-tech industrial development park. holding the professional, fast and economical service as core value, ctt provides effective support and risk prevention for the clients in pearl river delta and yangtze river delta. this new testing center shows the enhance of ctt testing capability in south china even in the whole china. at the same time, it further improves the local industry chain in consumer products field.

ctt testing center locates on songshanhu lake in dong guan. it provides product quality testing, training and other comprehensive services, mainly aiming at the different sectors such as consumer goods, food safety and the environment. ctt testing center is equipped with multiple professional labs and it has all kinds of advanced testing equipment and experienced professional testing team, so it will shorten testing cycle efficiently save costs and provide local services for local clients. it can also test products and issue credible test reports according the different regulations indifferent area. with the ascension of variable aspects such as the experiment site, equipment and environment, ctt testing center will help chinese manufacturers to enter the international market all the way and cater for the demands of the customers better.

at the end, it will help the enterprise to set the outstanding brand and to increase product competitiveness. we believe that with the official opening of ctt testing center, the team of ctt will discern every industry advantage and use their special skill to go ahead to a new area with its clients so that it can support the demand that china's consumer products enter the international market.

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