in the second regular session of state of arizona senate, an act relating to products containing bisphenol a had been proposed on february 5th, 2014. including:
1. beginning january 1, 2016, a person may not manufacture, sell, offer for sale or distribute in this state either of the following:
a. any infant formula or baby food that is stored in a plastic container, jar or can that contains bisphenol a.
b. a child container that contains bisphenol a.
2. a person may sell or distribute the person's existing inventory of infant formula or baby food containers, jars or cans that contain bisphenol a until december 31, 2015 if the person is able to demonstrate both of the following:
a. the containers, jars or cans were purchased or acquired before the effective date of this section.
b. the containers, jars or cans were purchased or acquired in a quantity that is comparable to the quantity of containers, jars or cans that were purchased or acquired during the same period in the prior year.
3. a person who violates this section is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed five thousand dollars for each violation.
furthermore, the act suggest that a person shall use the least toxic alternative.
act link: