china has become the main producer and consumer electronic products of the world. nowadays, the anual scrap of china is more than 150 million units just inclueds the amount of tv, washing machine and refrigerator, air conditioner, computer. china is becoming the world's largest electronic garbage collection and distribution center and the pearl river delta is an important base of imports of foreign garbage. at present, the problem of recycling of waste household appliances has not been resolved in our country, 80% of the waste materials have not been used effectively so to cause the waste of resources. if some electronic products which contains 6 toxic substances get improper disposal, they will not only have damage to the water, air, soil and animals and plant but also form a harmful pollution chain to human health and life.
cttcooprateed with the standards working group researching on electronic information products pollution control standard and took part in setting the standards of preventiing the pollution of electronic products. we help to guide enterprises to improve the ability of product development technology in order to cotroll the cost effectively and face with all kinds of control laws and regulations on electronic products. a two-day of discussions set up a good communication platform for china's electronic manufacturing enterprises, and promoted the exchange witin industials and the share of green concept and successful experiences. in a word, it further promotes the healthy and sustainable development of our country's electronic appliances industry.
ctthas rich experience in the field of electrical and electronic testing and perfect service as one of the a professional third party testing institutions, ctt makes tailored solutions for enterprises accoring to variable regulations on electronic products so that to help the enterprises to reduce the all kinds of risks and improve the potential risk point to ensure the substential development of the enterprises.