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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2013-09-27 tits: 5408 times

recently, eu notified wto a draft to revise annex xvii of reach regulation with new entries to ban leather articles and leather parts containing more than 3ppm cr vi. any leather article failed this requirement shall not be placed into the market of eu. this draft is planed to be adopted in first quarter 2014 and applied in the first quarter 2015.

in the last few months, eu rapex frequently recalled leather articles containing cr vi for the purpose of regulate this hazardous substance in leather. those articles recalled include lady shoes, labor shoes, and leather gloves, etc. on the face of this, we can strongly feel eu's decision to phase out cr vi.

as a professional third party test body, ctt remind you to keep close eyes on eu legislation and be prepared to avoid any unnecessary loses.

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