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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2013-08-19 tits: 5401 times

recently eu notified wto a draft to amend appendix c of annex ii to directive 2009/48/ec to include bisphenol a to further protect children's health.
bisphenol a (bpa) is used to manufacture polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins, usually used in consumer products like baby bottles, high impact plastics, thermal paper, some toys.
bpa is classified under regulation (ec) no 1272/2008 as toxic for reproduction. it may disturb endocrine function if entering human's body. further research is needed to resolve its adverse effects on development at low doses.
the limit of bpa in toys will be effective in 18 months after the date of its publication on the official journal.
tab1. limit of bpa
cas no.
migration limit
test methods
bisphenol a (bpa)
en 71-10 and en 71-11
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