standard no. | title | description of content | date reported to wto |
gb 6675.1 | safety of toys - part 1: basic safety requirements for toys | the basic safety requirements for toys, including mechanical, physical, flammable, chemical and electrical properties are specified in this part. | 1/7/2013 |
gb 6675.2 | safety of toys - part 2: mechanical and physical properties | the requirements for acceptable structural characteristics of toys, including shape, size, contour, spacing (e.g. rattles, small parts, sharp points and edges, and hinge etc.), as well as the requirements of performance parameters for certain categories of toy (e.g. maximum kinetic energy values for non-resilient-tipped projectiles and minimum tip angles for certain ride-on toys) are specified in this part. | 28/6/2013 |
gb 6675.3 | safety of toys - part 3: flammability | the categories of flammable materials that are prohibited in all toys and flammable requirements for certain toys which likely contact minor source of ignition are specified in this part. the test methods specified are applicable to test the flammability of toys or materials under particular test conditions. the test results thus obtained cannot be used for determining these toys or materials pose no potential fire hazard in contacting other sources of ignition. | 28/6/2013 |
gb 6675.4 | safety of toys part 4: migration of certain elements | the requirements of maximum acceptable levels, methods of sampling and procedure of testing sample preparation and extraction for migration of the elements antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury and selenium from toy materials and parts of toys are specified in this part. | 1/7/2013 |