american society for testing and materials (astm) released a new international standard astm d7823-13 on june 6th, 2013. astm d7823-13 is a test method for determination of low level, regulated phthalates in poly (vinyl chloride) plastics by thermal description — gas chromatography/mass chromatography. it provides a way for analytical laboratories, regulatory bodies and manufacturers to determine whether a product meets the requirements of section 108 of the cpsia law, in which prohibitions are specified to regulate phthalates existing in children's products from. the phthalates covered by the standard are:
dbp, 1,2-benzenedicarboxylicacid;
didp, 1,2-benzenedicarboxylicacid, di-c9-11-branched alkyl esters.
phthalates are used as plasticizers for a variety of polymers. relevant studies show that phthalates function as estrogen in human body and animal to disrupt endocrine, which will reduce quality and count of sperm, or worse result in carcinoma of testis.