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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2013-03-23 tits: 9395 times

the secretary of the california environmental protection agency announced it will hold a public meeting of california environmental policy council to discuss if it is necessary to have a multimedia evaluation to safer consumer products act, proposed by department of toxic substances control.

cepc will consider a report from dtsc on the need for holding a multimedia evaluation to the scpa. according to the report and previous public comments, cepc will decide whether the scpa will significantly do something good for california public health and environment.

while cepc agrees on what dtsc assesses, dtsc can adopt the scpa and send it to the california office of administrative law.

scpa draft has been revised for nine times since its first publication. if it is adopted, a great impact to consumer products coming into california would come with. it' d better for relevant company to learn this regulation in advance for well preparation.

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