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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2013-03-09 tits: 9706 times

2012 july, indonesia publishes new regulation no.72/m-ind/per/7/2012 stipulating that all infant and children's garment shall meet requirements of azo and formaldehyde under sni 7617:2010. these regulation shall be effective in february 2013.

sni 7617:2010 shall apply to garment for young child under 3 years old and those directly contact with skin for young child older than 3 years old. in accordance with this standard, formaldehyde content shall be less than 20ppm in garment for young child under 3 years old and 75ppm in those directly contact with skin for young child older than 3 years old.

on 2013 january 11, indonesia released anther regulation no.02/m-ind/per/1/2013 stipulating the azo and formaldehyde test shall be done by approved labs, which has been effective on january 15.

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