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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2013-02-04 tits: 9516 times

michigan will revise public act 159 in accordance with astm f2923-11. astm f2923-11, the first children jewelry standard specification in usa, regulate total lead, total cadmium, 7 soluble elements and the nickel release in children’s jewelry.

it is known that the public act 159 just restricts on lead but not includes the cadmium, mercury and other heavy metals under astm f2923. for this purpose, the michigan senate proposes senate bill no. 17 to expand the heavy metals restriction in children product. any children product include but not limited to toys and jewelry, which shall not content more than 600 mg/kg lead, cadmium, mercury. glass or crystal decorative component are not cover within the scope of sb17.

the sb 17 has been submitted to senate of the michigan state after relevant interested party comment.

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