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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2013-01-14 tits: 9325 times

recently, philadelphia in california has published new lead paint disclosure and certification law to reduce the risk of lead poisoning in children who live in older rental properties in the city.

some statistics indicate that each year thousands of children in the philadelphia region alone are poisoned, most often from deteriorated paint and dust in older homes where lead paint remains under layers of newer lead-free paint. to solve this problem, philadelphia’s new law,championed by philadelphia councilwoman and supported by the city department of public health, requires landlords to go a further step and provide written certification to show the property is “lead free” or “lead safe”.

the law will set new technical barriers for paint manufacturers and suppliers. therefore, relevant paint manufacturers and suppliers should improve the quality of the product. in addition, the product should be tested regularly for its safety and environmental protection to meet the market demand and regulatory requirements.

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