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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2013-04-12 tits: 10764 times
in response to growing public concern about the potential adverse health effects of these chemicals, 7 states is legislating to restrict the use of chemical flame retardants in consumer products.

new legislation has been introduced in california, connecticut, maryland, massachusetts, new jersey, vermont and washington. flame retardant chemicals targeted in these bills include polybrominated diphenyl ethers (pbdes) and "tris" and "chlorinated tris"  compounds. please refer to the following for some detail.

- california ab 127, which would reduce the use of chemical flame retardants in plastic foam building insulation materials;

- connecticut hb 6332, which would ban any product containing the "tris" flame retardant chemicals: tdcpp, tdcp, tcep or tcpp marketed for the use of children three years of age or younger.

- maryland hb 99, which would bar the use of tcep in specified products intended for children under age three, including baby products, toys, car seats, nursing pillows, crib mattresses and strollers;

- massachusetts sd 351, which would bar the use of pbdes, tcep, tcp and tdcpp from children's products and residential upholstered furniture and require that any substitute chemicals not be chemicals of "high concern."  

- new jersey a 760 and s 1554. these bills would limit the sale of products containing decabde.

- vermont s 81 and h 241: these two bills would limit use of pbdes and ban the sale of children's products and residential upholstered furniture containing tcep, tdcpp and tcpp.

- washington hb 1294 and sb 5181. both bills would limit the use of tcep and tdcpp and any other chemical identified of high concern for children in children's products and residential upholstered furniture.

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