industry and ngos have voiced concern about the non-transparent risk management option (rmo) assessment outlined under the substance of very high concern (svhc) roadmap recently published by eu commission. the roadmap states to open some rmo information, like reports on how member states and the commission select relevant svhcs, non-confidential screening results and an annual list of rmo-assessed substances, to public is under consideration. however, this is not meant to be made public and no consultation of stakeholders is foreseen.
a ngo representative said the approach as “non-democratic and non-transparent”, pointing out that the initial pool of chemicals considered contained more than 2,000 substances and describes it as quite alarming that the final number is 440. why so many substances initially identified will not be assessed is really under concern, as well as the timeframe of svhcs.
a director from the european chemical industry described the approach as opaque too because many of relevant discussions to take place is not open to stakeholders. another stakeholder claimed that they need more clarity on how this is understood by different member state competent authorities and how they will handle it.