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consumer testing technology-97622国际至尊品牌

from: 中鼎检测 date: 2012-11-22 tits: 9352 times

recently, sme panel suggested adopting a two phase approach to lower the limits for the release of metals from materials and articles into food. in the first phase new limits for lead and cadmium will be laid down in a new measure under article (5) of regulation (ec) no 1935/2004 on materials and articles intended to come into contact with food. in the second phase other objectives including new limits for metals other than lead and cadmium and materials other than ceramic materials (notably glass) will be investigated.

based on these considerations the commission considers proposing the above mentioned values of 5 μg/kg food for cadmium and 10 μg/kg food for lead as new specific migration limits. this proposal would reduce the limits currently in force by a factor 60 for cadmium and a factor 400 for lead. these proposed values are based on health based guidance values set by efsa.

in 84/500/eec, the ceramic products in different shape of the limit will be different, specific as follows table, the suggestion of limit modification is the second kind which can be filled.

1.articles which cannot be filled and articles which can be filled, the internal depth of which, measured from the lowest point to the horizontal plane passing through the upper rim, does not exceed 25 mm.
2.all other articles which can be filled
0.3mg/l ware; packaging and storage vessels having a capacity of more than three litres
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