eu has built up a specific mechanism to notify products violating relevant regulations and standards for the sake of consumers. the notification for non-food consumer products is called rapex. according to the 39th week notification, one china shorts has been notified for containing 4-aminoazobenzene. detail information is showed below:
germany requires voluntary recall of the notified shorts from end users for it contains azo dyes releasing 474mg/kg of 4-aminoazobenzene.
in the light of reach annex xvii entry 43 “azocolourants”, articles or any parts containing azocolourants in a concentration greater than 30 mg/kg shall not be used in textile or leather products that intend to directly or prolonged contact with skin or mouth. comparing to the limit under reach, the content of azocolourants in the shorts is far greater than the regulative limit.
as a professional third testing body, ctt reminds you to keep close cooperation with relevant testing body to learn contents of hazardous substances existing in products so as to make right strategy to ensure products can smoothly enter eu market.