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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2012-06-12 tits: 9170 times

taiwan is to list thermal paper containing bisphenol a (bpa) into the category of products subject to mandatory inspection, in accordance with the bureau of standards, metrology & inspection (bsmi) under the ministry of economic affairs.

the bsmi’s decision on the compulsory inspection is in response to a june publication on 18% of thermal paper inspected contains bisphenol a by the consumers’ foundation. the bsmi plans to conduct an investigation by purchasing samples of the non-conforming products identified by the consumers’ foundation, and take action in accordance with the consumer protection law.

the taiwan standard for thermal paper stipulating that dyes used in thermal paper must not contain bpa was issued on 10 january 2011 and inspections will start 1 december 2012.

actually, in usa, several states have published relevant bills to ban bpa in thermal paper, and some of them have been effective such as that in connecticut. as a professional third party test body, ctt notices you to pay close attention on regulative bans to bpa in relevant areas so as to avoid economic loses.

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