sweden wants to impose stronger restrictions on lead in articles for consumer use. in april 2012, the swedish chemicals agency reported its interest to the european chemicals agency, echa, to investigate the feasibility of introducing additional restrictions in the european chemicals legislation reach.
we have made a preliminary study and found that there is a need to limit lead in articles for consumer use. there are many kinds of consumer articles that do not have any rules at all for lead and children run the risk of getting lead into the mouth when they play with or suck on everyday items such as bags, buttons, and reflective bracelets. this is part of our work for a toxic-free everyday environment, says sten-åke svensson at the swedish chemicals agency.
sweden will now arrange for consultation meetings with companies and organisations from across europe to have the opportunity to meet to discuss the proposal.
the purpose is to gather information and fill knowledge gaps and to inform about and gain support for the proposal.
companies that extract lead and companies that manufacture or sell articles containing lead, and environmental and consumer organisations are invited.
the consultation is in two parts and the first meeting will be held in stockholm on 18 june 2012, at the swedish chemicals agency in sundbyberg. the meeting will be in english.