the european chemicals agency (echa), at the request of the european commission, has reviewed the scientific evidence on the risks posed by articles containing the phthalates dinp1 and didp2.
based on an existing restriction, these phthalates cannot be used in toys and childcare articles which can be placed in the mouth by children. in its draft report, echa concludes that the existing restriction is justified and that no further risk reduction measures are needed to reduce the exposure of children to dinp and didp. in addition, the draft report finds that there may be a potential risk - although associated with substantial uncertainties - to adults from the use of sex toys containing these phthalates.
echa invites interested parties to provide their comments on the draft report by 31 july 2012. in particular, echa welcomes any relevant new scientific evidence that was not assessed in the draft report.
against the above background, echa’s committee for risk assessment (rac) has been requested to provide a scientific opinion on the draft report, taking into account comments from this public consultation.