the rohs directive primarily aims to ensure that eu member states apply common restrictions on the levels of six hazardous substances that may be present in a wide range of electrical and electronic equipment, as well as minimizing the end of life environmental impact of that equipment. it is a single european market measure and implementation is made by one law covering the whole of the uk.
the new rohs directive 2011/65/eu was published on 1 july 2011 and replaces the original directive published in 2002. this new directive has a different scope and obligations on those placing products on the market. this consultation seeks views on the implementation policy, draft regulations and uk’s draft guidance notes. this will inform the transposition process taking the directive into uk law.
this consultation is relevant to: all businesses making and/or placing products with any electrical and electronic function on the market, wholesalers and distributors of these products and trade associations in the electronics and ict sector.
the consultation closes on 6 july 2012.