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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2012-04-18 tits: 8751 times

as part of its rulemaking under proposition 65, the california office of environmental health hazard assessment (oehha) has proposed updating its no significant risk level for polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs) to 0.35micrograms/day, by amending section 25705 of the state’s code of regulations title 27. the revision is based on a risk assessment undertaken by the us environmental protection agency.

oehha also proposes to adopt a specific reproductive toxicity “no observable effect” regulatory maximum allowable dose level of 2.3micrograms/day for pcbs by amending title 27, section 25805. proposition 65 requires prior notification of use or discharge of any chemicals known to the state to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity.

a public hearing on the proposed rule may be scheduled upon request; such requests must be sent to oehaa by 11 may 2012. written comments on the proposed rule must be received by oehha before 28 may 2012.

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