on feb. 20, 2012, anec/beuc joint positioned that tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate (tcep) should be banned in toys from all toys for it is a flame retardant which is carcinogenic and endocrine disrupting and may be contained in toys as well as other consumer articles. anec and beuc make recommendations to the european commission how to regulate tcep in toys in order to protect health and safety of children under the background of a request for an opinion on tcep from scientific committee on health and environmental risks (scher).
opinion on tcep in toys points out clearly that tcep should be below the level of detection using a sufficiently sensitive analytical test method as tcep shows blooming effects, i.e. a very quick migration from inner parts to the surface and that tcep is easily released from toys when children suck and chew the material. by licking on the toys, the chemical looses it flame retardant properties.
besides, several surveys show that tcep can be found in a wider range if consumer products such as child car seats, baby carriers and in a tray of high chair. therefore, more action should be taken to better protect children in the way of banning tcep in toys and in child care articles.
in addition, anec and beuc also agree with statement that consideration given for tcep could be applied to its halogenated alternatives as well, such as tcpp and tdcp which have structural similarities with tcep.