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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2012-02-21 tits: 8774 times

the eu toy industry has said it would support a lowering of the limits for lead in toys following the launch of a consultation on the revision of the limit values for the heavy metal by the european commission last week.

according to catherine van reeth, director general of toy industries of europe (tie), industry "supports the lowering of limits for lead in toys because this is in response to new scientific evidence". but she admitted that they are concerned that a drastic

reduction of the limits would result in a de facto ban of toys such as finger paints, chalks and crayons as well.

alexandra caterbow, coordinator for chemicals and health at the ngo women in europe for a common future (wecf), told chemical watch that her organisation will be contributing to the consultation and that the limit values must be drastically reduced,and

she also said lead should have been banned in toys a long time ago.

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