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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2011-12-19 tits: 8711 times

with the increasing damage accidents due to magnet, the cpsc set out safety warning to consumers.

reports of incidents involving these high-powered ball-bearing magnets have increased since 2009. specifically, cpsc received one incident report in 2009, seven in 2010 and 14 through october 2011. these 22 incidents have involved children ranging in age from 18 months to 15 years old. of the reported incidents, 17 involved magnet ingestion and 11 required surgical removal of the magnets. when a magnet has to be removed surgically, it often requires the repair of the child's damaged stomach and intestines.

"we want parents to be aware of the danger associated with these innocent looking magnets," said cpsc chairman inez tenenbaum. "the potential for serious injury and death if multiple magnets are swallowed demands that parents and medical professionals be aware of this hidden hazard and know how to treat a child in distress."

at present, the magnets are widely used in stationery, toys, jewelry and other products. if these products exist exposed and can be swallowed magnets, they will cause serious damage, such as damage of internal organs, destroy the digestive system, and even produce deadly.

the united states about magnets requirements:
astm f963: prohibit the use of hazard magnets in children products under15 years. if hazard magnets exist, they should be warning.
astm f2923: the produces for children under8 years prohibit contacting hazard magnets. for 8 years old or above products contain hazard magnets should be warning.

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