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consumer testing technology-97622国际至尊品牌

from: 中鼎检测 date: 2011-11-26 tits: 8651 times

washington, d.c. - the u.s. consumer product safety commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. it is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled consumer product.

name of product: heath®/zenith and wirelesscommand® motion sensing wall switches

units: about 75,000

manufacturer: heathco, llc of bowling green, ky.

hazard: when the switches are in the auto mode and the light is off, a small amount of leakage current passes through the electric circuit, including the socket. if consumers fail to disconnect the power at the circuit breaker and make contact with both terminals inside the socket while replacing the bulbs, there is a risk of an electric shock.

incidents/injuries: none reported

description: this recall involves heath®/zenith and wirelesscommand® motion sensing wall switches with model numbers listed below. the product replaces a standard household wall switch and is designed to turn off the attached lighting load when motion is no longer detected in the room. the products come in white or ivory. the brand name and model number can be found on a label located on the side of the switch.

brand                model
heath®-zenith      sl-6106-iv
heath®-zenith      sl-6106-iv-a
heath®-zenith      sl-6106-wh
heath®-zenith      sl-6106-wh-a
wireless command®  wc-6106-iv
wireless command®  wc-6106-wh
heath®-zenith      sl-6108-iv
heath®-zenith      sl-6108-iv-a
heath®-zenith      sl-6108-wh
heath®-zenith      sl-6108-wh-a
wireless command®  wc-6108-iv
wireless command®  wc-6108-wh

sold at: mass merchants, electrical distributors, hardware retailers and online retailers from august 2007 through august 2011 for between $20 and $25.

manufactured in: china

remedy: consumers should immediately stop using the recalled wall switches and contact the company for a free wall switch replacement.

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