the washington department of ecology has adopted the final rule (chapter 173-334 wac) to carry out the state's groundbreaking children's safe product act. the rule is designed to collect information that will help government and the public better understand the presence of chemicals in children's products.
it requires manufacturers of children's products to report the presence of chemicals of high concern to children (chccs) to the department.
the first reports from manufacturers of children's products will be due in august 2012.
the rule applies to companies that make children's products like toys, cosmetics, jewelry and baby products. the final rule outlined the priority of the reporting sequence, while the largest manufacturers that make products likely to be placed in a child's mouth or on their skin or products for children aged 3 and under, must report in a first priority.
the first reports from manufacturers of children's products will be due in august 2012, other manufacturers will report according to the phased-in schedule outlined in the rule.
retailers who only sell, but do not make or import, children's products are not subjected to the rule.
for more detail please reference: