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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2011-04-28 tits: 8892 times

april 13th, 2011, even clothing can contain lead,a deadly and toxic heavy metal. the u.s. consumer product safety commission (cpsc) just announced a recall of about 90,000 girl’s tops distributed by my michelle of new york, new york. the jewelry and decorative trim attached to the girl’s garments contain high levels of lead.
this girls clothing recall involves tops and dresses sold in sizes small to extra large and 7 to 16 that were sold in various styles including tops with beaded necklaces or with metallic beads attached to the collar. these metal parts contain high levels of lead. cpsc remind consumer to let children from this kind of product, there is no injuries report.
lead exposure can cause damage for children and unborn baby's brain and nervous system, and cause behavior, learning and hearing disorder, affect growth, hearing system and cause headaches, anemia and other health problems. because lead-exposure influence will last for a long time, so the influence of the brain development is the most attention. meanwhile, lead poisoning will cause harm to adults, the worse will cause cancer.

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