on january 23, 2024, the european chemicals agency (echa) officially included the 30th batch of 5 chemical substances in the list of substances of very high concern (svhc), so far, the list of reach substances of very high concern (svhc) has been officially updated to 240 items.
the information of five new substances is as follows:
in addition, dibutyl phthalate (dbp), which was added to the official svhc list as early as october 2008, has been updated for its toxicological properties, adding endocrine disrupting properties (article 57(f) - environment). the information is as follows:
ctt proposal:
with the stricter control of chemical substances in the european union, ctt reminds the relevant enterprises to continue to pay attention to the update progress of svhc. ctt can provide enterprises with one-stop comprehensive solutions for consulting, testing and training according to svhc list. for more detailed information, please contact us.