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consumer testing technology-97622国际至尊品牌

from: 中鼎检测 date: 2023-10-23 tits: 774 times

on october 13, 2023, astm international has published the standard consumer safety specification for toy safety (astm f963-23). under the consumer product safety improvement act (cpsia), once the revised standard is published and astm officially notifies cpsc of the revision, cpsc has 90 days to object to any changes the agency determines as not enhancing toy safety. if no objections are raised, the revision becomes mandatory 180 days after notification.

below is the summary of significant revisions:


 heavy elements in toy substrate materials

1. added note 4 to include  situation-specific accessibility considerations.
2. separated exemption for paper and paperboard/textile as a specific entry  for clarity.
3. separated (2)(b) to list requirements for modeling clays separately.
 process water cleanliness

this change is being made to provide additional testing  flexibility without impacting safety; a more recent version of the usp may be  used in lieu of volume 35.


this revision will now be congruent with the current  u.s. federal phthalate requirement (at 16 cfr 1307).


1.these revisions amend definitions for push  or pull toys (formerly referred to as “push/pull” toys) and tabletop, floor, or  crib toys, to clarify the differences between these types of toys and reduce  the likelihood of inconsistency in determining the appropriate test methods  and sound limits for a given toy.
 2. a note to extend use and abuse requirements beyond 96 months of age.
 3. the limit of l
afmax produced by push or pull toys where the  sound is caused as a result of translational motion imparted on the toy by  the user is revised from 85db to 94 db.

 battery-operated toys

1. a note to extend use and abuse requirements beyond  96 months of age.
 2. a requirement that a fastener on a battery compartment door must remain  attached to the toy or battery compartment to avoid loss of the fastener.
 3. an allowance for the alternative use of a battery compartment locking  mechanism that requires a manufacturersupplied specialty or custom tool if  supplied with the toy (, in response to changes in the marketplace,  and which would provide equivalent safety in accordance with the requirements
 4. a corresponding requirement at 6.9, include instructional information to  consumers regarding the use and inclusion of a custom tool where this option  is utilized, as below:
 the instructional material for toys which require a manufacturer-supplied  specialty or custom tool to access the battery(ies) shall direct caregivers  to retain the tool for future use, to store it where the child cannot access  it, and state that the tool is not a toy.

 expanding materials

1. revised scope of application.
 2. the expanding materials gauge, is being revised to correct errors on two  tolerances and significant figures.

 labeling requirements

added “tracking label” incompliance with in compliance with section  103 of cpsia.

 drop test

this revision is to update the referenced document for  tiles used in drop testing.


1. removed the storage requirements for the  improvised projectiles.
 2. adjusted the order of some clauses to make them more logical in terms of  occurrence. another test condition has been added to (a) to recognize designs  that limit either the amount the bow can bend or the bow string can be  stretched.

ctt reminder:

relevant toy companies or platform businesses that export to the united states should pay attention to the update of  toy safety standard , and take corresponding measures in a timely manner. ctt has rich experience in product testing, to help you easily understand whether the product safety compliance, welcome to consult.

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