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from: 中鼎检测 date: 2023-08-09 tits: 500 times

on august 8, 2023, the european commission published in its official journal directive (eu) 2023/1608 to amend the eu pops regulation, officially adding perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (pfhxs) and its salts and related substances in annex i of the eu pops regulation. the directive will come into force on august 28, 2023, the list of prohibited substances in annex i of the eu pops regulation has reached 29 items.

the following entry is added to annex i of regulation (eu) 2019/1021:


cas no.

specific exemption on intermediate use or  other specification

“perfluorohexane  sulfonic acid (pfhxs), its salts and pfhxs-related compounds” means the  following:
(i)perfluorohexane sulfonic acid, including any of its branched isomers;
(ii)its salts;
(iii)pfhxs-related compounds which, for the purposes of the convention, are  any substance that contains the chemical moiety c6f13s- as one of its  structural elements and that degrades to pfhxs.

and others

1. for the  purposes of this entry, article 4(1), point (b), shall apply to  concentrations of pfhxs or any of its salts equal to or below 0,025 mg/kg  (0,0000025 % by weight) where they are present in substances, mixtures or  articles.

 2. for the purposes of this entry, article 4(1), point (b), shall apply to  the sum of concentrations of all pfhxs-related compounds equal to or below 1  mg/kg (0,0001 % by weight) where they are present in substances, mixtures or  articles.

 3. for the purposes of this entry, article 4(1), point (b), shall apply to  concentrations of pfhxs, its salts and pfhxs-related compounds equal to or  below 0,1 mg/kg (0,00001 % by weight) where it is present in concentrated  firefighting foam mixtures that are to be used or are used in the production  of other firefighting foam mixtures. this exemption shall be reviewed and  assessed by the commission no later than 28 august 2026.’


pfhxs is perfluorohexane sulfonic acid, a group of substances belonging to perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (pfas). pfhxs and its salts and related substances are commonly used as alternatives to perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (pfos) and perfluorooctanoic acid (pfoa) in fire fighting foams, metal plating, textiles, polishes, cleaning/detergents, coatings, paper products, and electronics and semiconductor
manufacturing. because of its great harm to the environment and human health, countries around the world have introduced laws and regulations to control it.

ctt reminds

in recent years, the global control of pfas has been on the rise. ctt reminds relevant companies to pay attention to the update progress of pfas and check pfas in products as early as possible to ensure product compliance. ctt can provide enterprises with one-stop comprehensive solutions for consulting, testing and training. for more details, please contact us.

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