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consumer testing technology-97622国际至尊品牌

from: 中鼎检测 date: 2011-01-27 tits: 8643 times

on december 24th 2010, administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine (aqsiq) announced inspection bodies acquiring permission ofengaging in import-export commodity inspection verification business. consumer testing technology co., ltd and other 18 companies acquired permission of import-export commodity inspection verification.

the permission of "import-export commodity inspection verification" for ctt, is according to provisions of the "law of the people's republic of china on import and export commodity inspection", the "measure on administration ofimport and export commodity inspection verification bodies" as well as that of the aqsiq announcement no.122, 2003. acquiring the verification need to pass following procedures: the declaration of the company, the examination of aqsiq, on the scene assessment, promulgate to the whole society, and record into the file. ctt acquired the permission full demonstrated the professional capability in testing technology and the comprehensive strength of the company.

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