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consumer testing technology-97622国际至尊品牌

from: 中鼎检测 date: 2010-12-22 tits: 9032 times

the norwegian ministry of the environment is submitting proposals to prohibit four hazardous substances in consumer products, to the efta surveillance authority. the substances are found in a number of products such as crayons, toys, paint, carpeting, plastics and textiles.

the proposed prohibitions include lead, medium-chain chlorinated paraffins (mccps), pentachlorophenol (pcp)and perfluorooctanoic acid (pfoa) that are among the most serious hazardous substances we know of.

the proposals to prohibit the four substances in consumer products are stricter than current regulations in the eu.

efta surveillance authority will now send the proposals on public consultation in the eea area. the ministry of the environment will at the same time ask the climate and pollution agency to send the proposed prohibitions on public consultation nationally.

the climate and pollution agency have considered that there are good and safe alternatives, and that the industry is not dependent on using these substances to produce the products.

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